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মাতৃত্বকালীন ভাতার আবেদন করতে ডিজিটাল সেন্টারে যোগাযোগ করুন। 

এখন থেকে উত্তরাধিকার সনদ সংগ্রহের জন্য সংশ্লিষ্ট উত্তরাধিকারীগনের মধ্য থেকে যে কেউ স্বশরীরে উপস্থিত হয়ে ১. মৃত সনদ ২. উত্তরাধিকারীদের পরিচয়পত্র/জন্ম সনদ ৩. হাল ট্যাক্স প্রদানের রশিদ ৪. উত্তরাধিকার সনদ পাওয়ার জন্য আবেদন সংশ্লিষ্ট ওয়ার্ডের মেম্বার/জনপ্রতিণিধির যাচাইপূর্বক সংগ্রহ করতে হবে। বিষয়টি অতীব গুরুত্তপূর্ন। 

Union parish manual

Second Local Government Support Project, LGSP 2
Concerned for the operation of the Union Parishad Operational Manual

Local Government Division, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives
Module 1 Introduction and method of LGSP 2
The purpose of LGSP

The main goal of LGSP is to ensure good governance at the union level by establishing transparency and accountability. In addition to providing direct allocation to all union parishads in the phases, in addition to establishing transparency and accountability at local level, establishing new and innovative programs, setting up of the union parishad as an effective organization and providing decentralization friendly policies at national level. Taken The LGSP project is an important step in the development of good governance at the local level, accelerating local development through public participation and establishing partnership management at the grassroots level. The objective is to turn Union Parishad into a strong and public-based, efficient local government organization.

    Second part of LGSP
    1. Union Council donations
        Basic Fund Allocation (EEA)
        Skill Based Allocation (Chia)
    2. Information flow and accountability
    3. Institutional development (skill)
    4. Project management

Assessment and distribution of basic allocation (EEA)

    25% of the basic allocated funds will be distributed equally among all union parishads.
    The remaining 75 percent, based on the population of the Union Parishad, 90 percent and 10 percent of allocation based on the volume will be determined.
    The local government department will provide the basic allocation (BbG) in two installments, which will be sent directly to the union council's bank account in the month of August-September and February-March every year.
    At least 30% of basic allocated allocation (EEA) and skill based allocation (CHAE) should be spent for the implementation of the scheme which is preferred by women.
    In order to maximize the capacity building capacity of 10% of basic fund allocation (EEA) and skill based allocation (CHAE), mainly for the purpose of making schemes, security arrangements, accounting, union level information will be used for computer entry. Besides, it can be spent on providing support to women development forum, training, mutual learning and other specific skills. If 10% of the money is not spent in the given field, then the scheme can be spent.

The basic qualification criteria for access to basic allocation schemes is the criteria
Eligibility Criteria Index Essential documents
1. Audit Report by the Independent Audit Institution in the previous financial year, audit completion and financial irregular audit report of the Union Council Audit Report
2. Annual Plan and Budget for the Next Financial Year Planning for Ward meetings with public participation Open budget meeting with public participation and signature of annual budget approved by Union Parishad, along with the signature of the ward session, Copy of the date / book of the open budget and the annual budget of the budget session.
3. Submission of reports on timely basis between 31 July and 31 January, all union councils who fail to achieve the above mentioned qualifications will get only 25% of basic allocation.
Skill based grants (PBG)

    Skill-based allocation will be provided for encouraging the development of the overall skill of the Union Parishads allocated for funding. These allocation will be given to all the Union Parishads who can show their skills in financial and revenue management, such as revenue growth, revenue collection, transparency and accountability, people's participation, planning and budget preparation and reports etc. From the second year of the project, skill-based allocation will start.
    Based on the quality of the skill, this allocation will be done by distributing 75% of the first phase of the union council in the district level.
    On the quality of the skill, the first 25% union parishad will get 30% more than their allotted basic fund allocated.
    The next 25% Union Parishad will get 20% more than their allocated basic allocation.
    Then the 25% Union Parishad would get 10% extra for all their basic fund allocated.
    An intermediate evaluation program will be conducted in the 3rd year of the project. Based on the information obtained through intermediate evaluation, necessary steps will be taken in the next years.

The reason for the allocated delay / suspension
Reasons Results
In the next fiscal year, the allocation of the monetary block will be postponed
Audit objection for failure to provide adverse or necessary information. (1) Until the investigation is completed, the allotment will remain suspended. (Ii) proper civil and criminal action based on the final audit results (according to the laws of Bangladesh government). (3) The person involved can return the agreed money to the local government department according to the rules. (4) The names of the Union Parishads involved in the Local Government Division can be published through national media. Local Government Division: (a) Disclosures from the LGSP can disqualify the union council involved in this matter. (B) The Union Parishad representative / officials may be sued in the audit report

ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ কর্তৃক সকল প্রকার সনদ পেতে অনলাইনে আবেদন করুন>>>

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